A total of 5 hours to discuss finding your style, entrepreneurship, marketing, pricing, connecting with the ideal client, establishing your business, portfolio review, how to set up a business, etc.. You pick the topics and we can schedule any way you'd like with a one hour check in over five months or five hours in one day.

One on one COACHING


Send your portfolio (up to 35 images) my way and I'll provide an in depth video review offering feedback on your use of the exposure triangle, technical, composition, use of light, color and white balance, processing and cohesion, creativity and cohesion. Included is a one hour video chat to answer any questions.

Portfolio Review


You select any topic you'd like to know more about and we dig into it during this one hour coaching session that is done via video chat in our comfy clothes.

mini coaching session





Are you ready to invest in yourself and your business?

business coaching


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